2022-2023 Covid Safety Information
We are very excited to announce we will be running programs in 2022-2023! We have made several updates to our protocols and facilities in order to ensure the health and safety of our participants, families, staff, and larger community. We are committed to layering many different strategies to mitigate the risk of transmission.
We are continuing to monitor guidelines from the State of Maine, local and national CDC, the WHO, DECD, as well as guidance from the American Camp Association (ACA). The safety measures below will continue to be updated as information becomes available and we hope in the meantime that this information serves as a reference point when thinking about programs this year.
As we look ahead specifically to Summer 2023, we expect our policies to evolve. We will update these as the summer gets closer. Please reach out to info@growingroutes.org with any questions.
Updated October 2021.
Group Size
We have reduced the size of some of our programs to limit the number of participants potentially coming in contact with each other.
Activities will be outside or in covered spaces with additional ventilation. We live in such a beautiful state, lets use it!
Face Coverings
Unvaccinated participants and staff will wear masks while indoors or physical distancing is not possible. Excluding sleeping, showering, eating, etc.
During meal time, appropriate distancing will be ensured between campers and masks will be required when getting food.
check in / out
All participants must complete a daily health survey prior to arrival. Masks will be required during drop off/pick up.
Pre-arrival checklist
We are working on a pre-arrival checklist and considering the details around testing, vaccination status, and quarantining prior to camp. Please stay tuned for more details.
Shared Spaces
Bathrooms and other shared spaces may be modified if necessary to address social distancing. Shared spaces will be frequently cleaned and sanitized.
In 2021, a negative test was required prior to arrival at camp. We are figuring out the specifics of this requirement for 2022. If for any reason you foresee this as a barrier for your child to attend camp, please contact us so we can work together on a solution!
In 2021, all our staff were fully vaccinated. More details coming for 2022.
The above details will be updated as information becomes available. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at info@growingroutes.org.