DAY 6 - Exploring Routes
Today was the first day all week that several brave campers decided to go for a morning dip in the lake. The lake is so calm and clear in the morning it is pretty spectacular. They loved it. We all agreed it is the best way to wake up and we should have done it all week when we time!
We packed up to go home and then got ready for a full day of activities. We painted frames and decorated our tie dye camp shirts with the camp logo. This is a fun activity because it has many levels - tie dye the shirts, iron on the logos, paint the frames, take a group picture while wearing the shirts, and finally put the picture in the frame.
This morning we also did a scavenger hunt! The campers this week really enjoyed challenges like this. They had to think creatively and look carefully in order to solve the clues. It took a lot of energy and patience and eventually both teams succeeded in finding the hidden treasure - popsicles!!
After lunch we had a modified rest time which consisted of sitting on the porch together to read Nancy Drew and draw. The lake was calling us and we went for one last swim before the end of camp.
One of our campers’ mothers is a yoga teacher and came and taught a yoga class to us. She runs Spiral Tree Yoga and works with all ages. It was wonderful!! Some of the campers were hesitant at first but quickly warmed up and became fully engaged and excited. We were so happy to have her with us and it was a perfect way to close the week.
Our final moments together as a group were spent sitting on the dock eating frozen grapes and reminiscing about the week. We each shared a favorite part or positive memory, something we would take home with us to our daily lives, and one final shout out. It was sad to say goodbye but we were thankful for another magical week!