GTO 2024 - Day 3

Today was a very full day of camp! This morning was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and everyone decided to take a morning dip in the lake to wake up. After swimming we sat in the screened in porch and ate bagels for breakfast. We then opened up our tie dye to reveal our designs and set them out in the sun to dry. After setting out our shirts we returned to our cabins for cleaning, organizing, and responding to our daily check in questions.

Next we split into small groups and began two new crafts. One group gathered outside at the shady picnic table by the lake and began weaving cord friendship bracelets. The other group sat together on the porch chatting and making their own personalized (based on the bugs they wanted to deter) homemade bug spray! The groups then switched so everyone got to do all the activities.

It was then time for some fresh fruit followed by swim time to cool off from the mid day heat. Lunch was next and we ate quesadillas with lots of different toppings. We then went to our cabins and winded down for rest time — naps, reading, and personal quiet time.

Well rested, we ventured back out for a series of “minute to win it” challenges. Split into pairs, our first challenge was a gummy bear toss where each person took turns throwing gummy bears into their partners mouths. We then had more yummy treats with a M&M bowl transfer challenge where one person from each pair used a spoon in their mouth to transfer 15 M&M’s from one bowl to another without using their hands. We continued our competition series with an Oreo forehead challenge where each person placed an Oreo on their forehead and tried to get it into their mouth only using their face muscles. In the next challenge we cooled off with a water balloon toss. For the final challenge, we did timed kayak parter races in the lake. The timed races took place with one pair going at a time while the other pairs cheered them one. With zero paddles involved, one person from the duo would sit on the kayak (the sit-on-top type of boat) while the other held on from the back and kicked their way to the end before switching places in the water and returning to shore. Picture LOTS of laughing and silly off course adventures.

After finishing our races we switched to free swim time and relived many of the funniest moments of the kayak challenge. Eventually we got out of the lake and began our full free time which consisted of showers for everyone, lots of lounging, games, and embroidery work. Our dinner tonight was a delicious cookout followed by gooey campfire s’mores! After eating we walked to the dock to look out at the sunset over the lake. We ended our evening with a shout out circle to highlight kind/helpful things campers did today to and reminisce on our time together over the past few days.

Chloe Rowse