GTO 2024 - Day 2

This morning the weather turned around and we woke up to sunny skies, dry beach towels, and egg sandwiches for breakfast. After enjoying our breakfast, we returned to our cabins to get ready for the day and organize our personal spaces. Once we had tidied our cabins, we came back together to begin an embroidery project. With colorful embroidery thread, we stitched patches with the Camp Chloë logo onto caps.

We then changed into our bathing suits, lathered on the sunscreen, did tick checks, and took a swim break to cool off. Although the air was warmer today, the water felt cool in comparison! During swim time, several campers tried out the kayaks and explored the nearby grass. We even saw a bald eagle pair!

Once we were fully cooled off we hopped out of the water, changed into comfy clothes, and ate grilled cheeses with apple slices for lunch. We then transitioned into rest time and had quiet time to relax and recharge in our cabins. This time is a great opportunity for not only quiet time from talking, but also quiet time from socializing. The campers have been requesting a longer rest time and today when it was time to get up, they begged for 10 more minutes, which the counselors agreed to! After a relaxing rest time we gathered outside by the lake and painted wooden picture frames to later put our group photo into. In order to take the group photo though, we need matching tie dye camp t-shirts, so we then moved into tie dying. Along with t-shirts, campers also had the option to tie dye a sweatshirt, which they all decided to do. We started by choosing our designs we wanted to create — such as spirals and bullseyes — and then picked the colors we wanted to dye with.

Next up was free time! We took showers, hung out with our new friends, helped make dinner (and treats), chatted in the hammocks, and worked on our embroidery caps! A delicious burrito bar was served for dinner tonight and after getting special table service from our counselors, we sat outside with a lovely breeze and ate our meal looking out at the water. After dinner we had brownie sundaes courtesy of a couple of our friends who had helped to make the brownie treats earlier in the afternoon. We then started a much anticipated game of Extreme Jeopardy! Jeopardy was hosted by our counselors in funny costumes and silly alter-ego characters. We then began winding down and got cozy in our beds to read/relax.  Windows wide open and fans blowing, we turned off the lights campers snuggled into their beds with the sound of loons echoing off the lake. After a big day of activities, they were quick to drift off to sleep in preparation for another fun day! ☀️

Chloe Rowse