Day 2 - 2024

Today was forecasted to be a hot day at camp, so we started our morning with a swim in the lake. After cooling off, we sat on the porch and ate egg sandwiches and fruit for breakfast. As we do daily, we then took time to tidy our cabins and one cabin even made up a dance performance to present along with their clean cabin! Once the cabins were clean, we gathered at the picnic table next to the lake to make beaded bracelets with words of our choosing on them. Next, we revealed yesterday’s tie dye creations and laid them out in the sun to dry. Then we split into groups, depending on individual interests, and made cookies and planned a solstice party for tomorrow! We then hopped into the lake for another cool off but not before eating one of our freshly baked cookies. After swimming we ate lunch of a charcuterie board spread and played several rounds of wavelength. Rest time today consisted of “ice baths” and reading and relaxing in the hammocks and porches. After rest time we geared up for another swim to cool off from the midday heat — we are so lucky to be right on the lake! After swimming, we painted picture frames and then transitioned into free time and took showers and played more games. Just as we were gathering for dinner the sky opened up and started pouring rain and the air temperature dropped. A perfect setting for dinner! Dinner consisted of poke rice bowls and dessert was homemade ice cream sandwiches made with the cookies we had baked earlier. We then got ready for bed and gathered in one of the cabins for a game of “extreme jeopardy” hosted by the counselors in super silly costumes! Congrats to the ‘Pickled Potatoes’ team for their big win. We finally settled down for a good nights rest before gearing up for the longest day of the year💤

Chloe Rowse