Day 3 - 2024

Although this morning was cooler than yesterday, several campers still decided to take a quick dip in the lake upon waking up. It was so calm and beautiful it was hard to resist! Breakfast this morning consisted of chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries, oranges, yogurt, and real maple syrup.

After breakfast we dove into an egg drop challenge. We split into teams and adventured outside to search for natural materials to protect our eggs. Once each team had built a protection for their egg, one person from each team brought their creation up onto the porch and dropped it. Two out of three eggs survived the drop! The wildest one was the egg that BOUNCED OUT of its protector and somehow still managed to not crack!

Just as the sun was coming out, we took a swim to cool off. After swimming we ate a lunch of quesadillas and then headed to our cabins for rest time. As the days go on, rest time gets quieter — they are sleeping after all our afternoon! Once rest time was over and the campers’ energy was restored, we began a scavenger hunt. In three teams, we solved riddles, hiked about, and searched for clues around camp. Eventually each team completed all the challenges and we ended our scavenger hunt with well deserved popsicles!

We then transitioned into free time which included showers, cabin clean ups, creating decorations for our solstice party, painting nails, and helping to make apple crisp! Campers started setting up the Solstice Party they had planned the day before and several also helped make pizza on the grill. After enjoying dinner of pizza and ceaser salad, we hung out around the campfire and performed several silly dances before lighting sparklers in the lake and watching the sunset. Then we ventured up to one of the cabins for a glow stick dance party. After dancing all our energy out we got ready for bed and snuggled in for a restful sleep.

Chloe Rowse